Disruptive Technology for Good, Now, More than Ever
Healthcare, but also social and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic have highlighted the essential role that information technologies have today. While the face-to-face world stops, the digital one becomes dynamic and allows, at least for a large part of citizens and companies, to continue to carry out their work effectively, communicate with other people, acquire goods and services…
Furthermore, technology, with tools such as data analytics or artificial intelligence as a banner, is key to the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 disease.
Our healthcare personnel and technology are key to finish with the pandemic faster and efficiently
We need to explore this new reality from different points of view and envision new scenarios for the new normal. In this context, we need to revise aspects such as the impact of this pandemic on economic activity in general and on the ICT industry in particular, and what actions are being taken by companies in this market to help companies in all segments and administrations to facilitate teleworking your employees.
We need to understand how the private and public sectors face the challenges of going from zero to one hundred, in many cases, in the application of remote working.
We need also to put focus on the adaptation of a key sector such as education to the new way of teaching, virtual and distance; the availability and security of information as potential stoppers to the success of the teleworking model; and the effects of this scenario on the IT distribution channel, which is also being forced to reinvent itself during this pandemic.
Artificial intelligence in the fight against the coronavirus
Artificial intelligence has also played a very important role in this challenge against the coronavirus.
Firstly, the creation of a new diagnostic system stands out. On the other hand, AI has also been applied in the field of pandemic prevention and control. In this sense, the development of automated applications aimed at temperature monitoring stands out. Its main objective is to identify those people who have feverish symptoms to carry out actions to prevent the disease. At the same time, we distinguished another similar system of facial recognition that quickly identifies those who are not wearing a mask, helping the authorities in their preventive work.
Finally, with the aim of minimizing the direct contact between people and thus avoiding a greater number of those infected, SugrTechnology has carried out the creation of an electrical switch that is controlled by voice. Thus, the command can be given to turn the switches on or off without having to touch them.