Charting Your New Path Forward

These are uncertain, extraordinary times that the SAP family and the world are navigating together. The world is fundamentally evolving, and the challenge upon us is how to plan for life in this new world while continuously learning how best to adapt and thrive.

For many years, SAPPHIRE NOW has brought together our customers, partners, and colleagues — the best of SAP, which traditionally takes place every May as a three-day event. We want to use the SAPPHIRE NOW platform to offer a different type of content — a series of conversations with leaders, thinkers, influencers, and experts to help our audiences navigate these challenging times.

Join SAP hosts and business executives, thought leaders, bestselling authors, well-known athletes, and innovators for candid conversations about the future of business and a world that is changing before our eyes. Each short episode will put viewers in the (virtual) room with luminaries who will share their insights on issues ranging from the future of workplace collaboration, to how leaders and managers need to think differently about engaging with their teams, to tips for staying our personal best during challenging times. Learn more