The digitalization of Financial Services in Spain, so necessary…
I am very proud to start a Second Edition of the Digital Finance lecturing at University Carlos III of Madrid, as part of Bachelor’s Degrees in Business Administration and Finance & Accounting.
@Maria Gutierrez Urtiaga and me started thinking about the content of this subject almost two years ago with lot of excitement and we were pioneers in the Public University in Spain to offer such a subject on hot spot about Digital Transformation of the Financial Services Industry. Thanks for trusting me to create such an amazing subject.
I have to say that I am an enthusiastic about Fintech and Digital Finance for the last 10 years and this opportunity to learn more and teach students about this hot topic nowadays is a real privilege for me.
Fintechs are still great unknown; a study by @Asufin (Spanish Financial Consumers and Users Association) shows that only 32% know about them, although the percentage increases among young people. But Digital Finance and digitalization of Financial System goes far beyond Fintech and Cryptos.
From Fintech market, Crowdfunding, Alternative and Collaborative Investment Platforms, Digital Payments Ecosystem, Cryptos and DLT to Regulation, Compliance and Security… all with an academic deep dive on the topics, discussions about real use cases and a very practical approach with on-hands exercises. UC3M is definitely the place to study in Madrid for your Finance and Business Ddministration studies.
It is a pleasure for me to collaborate this year with such a cohort of experts in the field @Ivan Sanchez Cea and with incredible dedication and expertise.
And it is not only that @UC3M has one the top Masters in Finance programs in the world, according to a recent ranking published by The Financial Times. Now UC3M has also one of the best programs in Digital Finance for students of Bachelors in Business Administrationa and Finance and Accounting.
“We have a unique opportunity in Spain to accelerate the digtalization of the Financial Services industry and contribute to the recovery of our economy and entire society. Training of talent and education on digital skills are essential components to grasp that opportunity”
I am very proud of contributing to the digital education of this country. I really beleieve that having in Spain the appropiate skills and resources in the Digital Economy will be an essential lever for the reconstruction of our country after the pandemic.
For more information, please check out the degrees website at @UC3M:
#UC3M #DigitalFinance #DigitalEducation #NextGenerationEU #Fintech #Crowdfunding #DigitalPayments #Cryptos #Blockchains #Regulation #Cybersecurity
@Maria Gutierrez Urtiaga @Ivan Sanchez Cea